Tactical Recovery Network LLC
Protection, Education And Training
Tactical Recovery Network LLC is a reputable consulting firm designed to provide contract services to existing organizations in all matters concerning security and training. We provide support in the vetting and training process of new and existing employees and enhance the development of daily operations through comprehensive managerial oversight. Our personnel and corporate connections offer total integration of training services consolidated in an agency specific package tailored to internal development, agency credibility and the maintenance of professional standards.
Use of Force Simulation Training
Course Description
Through the use of our interactive real time training simulator students with backgrounds ranging from the CCW holder, Armed Security, Law Enforcement and Military Personnel are engaged in discipline specific real world scenarios that promotes decision making and problem solving when use of force/deadly force becomes paramount for self defense/defense of others.
Course Goal
The course aims to make students aware of the potential self defense scenarios which may arise throughout daily life and through the course of employment when use of force/deadly force decisions must be made in fractions of seconds. Moreover the course aims to make students aware of the need to expand their knowledge base in the field of self defense/defense of others through occupation specific simulation.
Decision Making and Problem Solving I : Imminent Threats, Use of Force/Deadly Force (State, Title and Occupation Specific)
Decision Making and Problem Solving II: Verbal Judo & Compliance
Decision Making and Problem Solving III: Retreat or Engage?
Simulation Training: The fundamentals of pistol marksmanship to include sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control, grip, breath control and follow through
Simulation Training: Moving, shooting-flash sight fire, use of cover, round management
After the shot assessment & reflection
Photo ID & Civilian Pistol Permit, Armed Security or Law Enforcement Credentials
Class Size
4 Hours
Required Equipment
All course related equipment will be provided
Course Cost
$100 (2 student minimum)
Course Completion Requirements
Students must be able to demonstrate sound decision making & Problem Solving based on the reasonable man standard.
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