Tactical Recovery Network LLC
Protection, Education And Training
Tactical Recovery Network LLC is a reputable consulting firm designed to provide contract services to existing organizations in all matters concerning security and training. We provide support in the vetting and training process of new and existing employees and enhance the development of daily operations through comprehensive managerial oversight. Our personnel and corporate connections offer total integration of training services consolidated in an agency specific package tailored to internal development, agency credibility and the maintenance of professional standards.
Bail Enforcement Agent
Strength Training
Bail Enforcement Strength Training 500lbs
Course Description
The strength training course in combination with PAATH Handcuff and Defensive Tactics certification is specifically designed to enhance the Bail Enforcement Agent's ability to use the appropriate and necessary level of force to effect an arrest. This course will delve into the reality behind strength training and its direct association with self defense measures and tactical handcuffing.
Course Goal
To improve the Bail Enforcement Agents ability to develop mass movement techniques in combination with the development of slow and fast twitch muscles fibers so that Agents can safely, effectively and with minimal harm, subdue combatant FTA's who resist arrest.
Mind Over Body
Form & Fundamentals
Rest & Recovery
Able bodied and healthy
Provide a completed TRN Physical Fitness Release Form from licensed Medical Doctor
Course Cost
Course Duration
2 Hours Classroom
1-2 Hours Gym
Course Completion
Written Exam
Physical Fitness Qualification
Certificate Issued Based Dead-lift Performance (100lb Club, 200lb Club, 300lb Club, 400lb Club, 500lb Club)
Can Re-test up to 3 times per year
Course Benefits
Strength Training Certification
Enhanced Performance As A Bail Enforcement Agent