Tactical Recovery Network LLC
Protection, Education And Training
Tactical Recovery Network LLC is a reputable consulting firm designed to provide contract services to existing organizations in all matters concerning security and training. We provide support in the vetting and training process of new and existing employees and enhance the development of daily operations through comprehensive managerial oversight. Our personnel and corporate connections offer total integration of training services consolidated in an agency specific package tailored to internal development, agency credibility and the maintenance of professional standards.
NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting
Blended Learning
Course Description
The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting is a two-part course consisting of an e-learning portion (completed online-in your own time-frame) and a hands-on practical portion conducted at a range under the guidance and supervision of an NRA-Certified Instructor. The course is intended for all adults regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA-affiliation. Successful completion of both Phases I & II is a requirement is order to obtain a Pistol Permit through the Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection; Division of Connecticut State Police and to obtain a non-resident Concealed Weapons License from the Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Course Goal
To promote the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for the safe and proficient use of a pistol and to pass the required firearm qualification
Phase I: Online
This portion of the course is self paced and will be completed online through an automated program.
Phase II: (Range)
The three NRA rules for safe gun-handling, range rules and range commands.
Shooting Fundamentals to include dominant eye determination, proper two-handed grip and the five fundamentals of pistol shooting: aiming, breath control, hold control, trigger control and follow through
Loading, cocking, de-cocking, and unloading a single-action revolver, double-action revolver and a semi-automatic pistol. and to review how to safely clean a pistol.
Student demonstration of the five learning steps to shoot from the bench-rest position, the five learning steps to shoot from the Isosceles position and to shoot the course qualification.
Course Pre-Requisites
Drivers License and/or State/Federal Issued Photo Identification
A Copy of the Phase I Course Completion Certificate
Course Duration
Phase I-Four Hours Online
Phase II-Five Hours-Range
Course Completion Requirements
Demonstration of safe gun handling
Demonstration of shooting fundamentals
Demonstration and application of pistol mechanics
Demonstration and application of shooting positions
Firearms Qualification
Course Cost:
Area Lodging
Our training locations have several major hotel chains within minutes of our training facility. Our Recruitment Division has secured a discounted rate for course attendees.
Once seats are reserved, reservation codes will be made available. Please inquire with with your sales coordinator for more specific information.
Mobile Training
Our mobile division is equipped to bring the training to a location of your choice. Please contact us for course costs.
This course is shooting course and necessitates a duly authorized range or authorization to discharge firearms on private property.